Sunday, November 11, 2007

I lost weight... go me !!!!yahhhh baby

Like ok.. i lost 9 pounds... I know when your as big as me (186lbs.)now (177lbs.)it's like oh fu#k still another 47 pounds to go but.. i'm on the right road. And i never had much SELF CONTROL with anything!! I am so outta control with everything in my life. I am the women who defines "expect the unexpected". i am just so ramdon that people don't expect anything but. so i never let anyone down thats for sure. As if........
Any way i lost weight. i am going to workout which is something i honestly love to do anyway!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007


ok so aside from holloween i did well with my eating until yesterday(i ate scalloped potato's),a FAMILY DINNER. DAm family will get you everytime.I'm getting better with controling what i eat and when i eat. i need to get back to working out. I love working out but i have a hard time getting motivated... well i'll update more later

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Holloween ruined MY DIET!!

Where's the self control?? i ruined my lo-carb diet with pizza and candy. I know i had self control i just have no idea where the heck it is. Well today starts a do over!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


A comment i made !! "It's funny i know the right things to do. i just can't get how to do the right thing right."
So much truth. It's weird how you already know the answers to your own questions yet you just can't to follow your own answers.
I must be tired i'm totally over thinking everything today! I never made it to the gym i had obligations i couldn't bail on ! (excuse #1)
I failed the lo-carb yesterday being that i do NOT eat meat i found myself out of control at the chinese buffet with greasy veggies and noodle product. yuck i stuffed myself like a thanksgiving turkey.( lack of control)
Today on a brighter note i only had 3 cups of coffee with this creamer stuff . I will not be attending the gym i instead I will walk a 3 1/2 mile local track i have weights to use here at the house. i'm not happy with the gym idea anymore. So today i'm starting over ...lo-carb working out!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

COuld it be i'm mental???

well i'm not real sure where to start with this.
I 'm thinking thinspiration was a fabulous name . I'm fat and i need some sought of a inspiration ergo i come up with "mrsthinspiration" tell a couple friends what i have going on here with my little blog to rant about weight and maybe find a little inspiration along the way.well thats not the case here.My friend checks it out i get an e-mail asking me if i bumped my head . my title has a very big meaning in a world of EATING DIORDERS ........ i did not know this info...I eat thats for sure all 186 pounds of me . I am super unhappy with it. but i don't have an Eating disorder whats more amazing is the links she sent me horrified me. There are these young and i mean YOUNG girls starving and throwing up. This makes me sad!!I'm almost 30 years old and i feel the pain of being fat the clothes are different people treat fat people different but to make yourself ill thats just insanity. I wish we didn't live in such a superficial society. I know there are a ton of bigger problems in this world that are far more important then fitting into a size 4 jean (i'm a 12/14). But for some not fitting in when it comes to your jeans keeps you from not fitting in with your peers.(atleast in the fat mind) you just always feel "some type of way".
p.s todays monday *which means i'm starting back to the gym n going lo-carb!! I KNOW you have to eat right and exercise to be healthy!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

eating right VS. EATING RIGHT!!!!

Ok so i'm all caught up with losing weight so i can feel right about myself. Now in order to lose weight i must "eat right" .. This would mean portion control and smart choices, I have spent hours in front of this computer trying to figure out what "eating right " actually means . Just a hot tip i picked up there are 2 kinds of "eating right" There's the "eating right " to lose weight and there's a "eating right" for overall health Which would lead to weight loss in the long term. Ok so i will explain this the best way i can the First "eating right (for weight loss) includes diet soda, splenda,meat, cheese, etc... now these foods with portion control can aid in weight loss but ..... these foods contain crazy ass chemicals diet soda has stuff in it that causes brain lesions over time PHENYLKETONURICS:PHENYLALANINE and after further research in these "diet " foods we may lose weight but these chemicals cause all kinds of messed up stuff. Which would mean i can use this stuff to get skinny *hot ** sexy. but my insides are going to get all jacked up.
Then there's " eating right" salads ,fruits, and vegtables. We all know this kind of eating is the RIGHT one but its so hard to do my only question is why??
looking around i realize all the food i have been eating all my life has some wacky ass stuff in there preservitives and these phenylk... chemicals that i cannot even pronounce.
but the more i think about the things i drank and ate to lose weight is nuts... slim fast was the worst it was all i drank for almost a month. i lost 7 pounds but felt like poop with no energy. so if i can torture myself like that. Maybe lots of fruits and salads won't be that big of a deal. okay enough with my ranting ..... monday i will begin to train myself how to "eat right"..
oh yea P.S. i read that thirst is easily confused with hunger so drink more water after all your body is made up by 75% water.
I'm convinced the only way to lose weight is to "eat right" and exercise!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Wait!! I can share secrets about Weight

Well what a nifty idea this blog is or atleast i hope so. I'm new to this so bare with me. I'm soo excited about this blogg thing because i have so much to say. I have a diploma in fitness and nutrition. which means i know a ton about fitness and nutrition but up until this i have applied zer0 of it to my own life. I have sooo much knowledge to share and finally a place to share it. I gather the only people reading this are people interested in weight issues. Now i'm may jump around a bit with this first blog and that my friend is the excitment over this blog . My intention thus far is to create a place to journal my theories on weight obsession (loss). As well as to see my own progress in weight loss. Life is consuming enough with daily woes yet i manage to find the time to obsess about my weight atleast once an hour every hour. I have an imaginary scale chained to my ankle. Every monday starts my new diet. I know lots of people that start on monday as well, but once again life is consuming there's so much to be done . Do we really have time to obsess about weight? Now i think i better mention i'm not morbidly obese (nothing against anyone who is). I'm 5 foot 7 inches tall . 186 pounds last weigh in (about a month ago) . I am concidered the "average" size women. I read the average women is a size 12 in todays america.
I wasn't always a larger women but i have always been aware of my weight. The funny thing in that is i look back at the very few pictures that exist of me from just a couple years ago and think wow i really didn't look fat. I also new that when those pictures were taken i felt like a cow. I was about 153lb. in the picture that comes to mind. Why can we never be satisfied with what we have and who we are as a person? Now at 186 lb i think i looked good back then. I know i have to actually put my knowledge to use for myself. Yuck I know it's not what i concider attractive for me. i still cannot believe 186lbs.
WEIGHT is such a big issue . Companies make millions of dollars every year selling machines and wonder pills. We think there just might be a wonder drug that can make it happen We all have that false sense of hope. Yes... lets all lose 10 pounds over night !! There would be no OBESITY PROBLEMS! $30 lighter in the wallet well thats a loss but not the kind we wished for .. Sadly most of us fail and we think it's our own fault that we didn't lose the weight with that great gizmo or that fabuolously fat busting pill. which always leads to that feeling of defeat. The funny thing is some(few) people do achieve success while using those diet pills and gizmos. But heres the sad part they give credit to the diet pill and gizmo but the TRUE HONESTY is was not actually the pill or the gizmo!! The people that might have success while on the wonder pills are the ones that motivated themselves to finally do it this time and lose the weight. So while using the "great wonders" in weight loss they actually lost weight but attributed there own DETERMINATION and MOTIVATION to the "great wonders " of weight loss.
There is no one cure to loss weight and nothing in life with weight loss is one size fits all!
Here's a gem for ya. Eatting right is a start and if you throw in a little exercise forgetaboutit.....I have to go finish cleaning my house but ...when i return i'm going into detail about the "eating right" thing because it's sooo easilly said it's soooo hard to do ..later joann